Sunday, March 13, 2005 / News / Odds & ends / Don't call tomato a fruit in New Jersey / News / Odds & ends / Don't call tomato a fruit in New Jersey

Well, that's it for me! I'm wondering when will lawyers really start to work seriuosly! :)

In the Garden State, New Jersey, the tomato, according to Sen. Ellen Karcher, "Botanically it's a fruit, legally it's a vegetable".

What in the world is happening? Probably the next step will be sue the tomato because it must be its fault to make such a mess in the Garden. Seriously, I guess lawmakers are going too far in these lawyer things.

The problem begun because some students wrote letters urging lawmakers to adopt a state fruit. And the tomato did not win. The winner was the blueberry. And the loved tomato was left aside because, according to the high court back in 1887, if the tomato is typically served with dinner and not as a desert, it must be a vegetable! Incredible, huh? I don't eat banana as desert, eat it as part of the meal. Does it make the banana a vegetable? :) There is no official vegetable in the Garden State.

Well, let's not throw tomatoes at them; but I guess this may end up in ketchup...

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